To Cloud or Not To Cloud

17th June 2013


The savings offered by cloud computing are often touted as one of the biggest reasons to switch from more traditional IT solutions, but are the savings really that big?

Research by the boutique advisory firm Saugatuck Technology recently looked into the money saving options of offers in the cloud to see if the benefits really did out weigh an on-premises IT environment, and came up with the answer of "a definitive maybe".

The savings, rather unsurprisingly, depended on the type of IT environment currently setup. Businesses who made use of highly optimised IT solutions, tailored to their specific needs, often found that cloud computing turned out to be more expensive, where as businesses with more flexible working practices found that the flexibility available with cloud computing offered up some great savings.

At VPW, the Exeter IT Support specialists, we understand that the method of delivery for IT systems is often not the issue, but the RIGHT delivery is. That's why we don't offer just Cloud Technology or just Traditional or On-Premises systems, but both types and for many customers provide a mix of both, giving you the best of both worlds and therefore the right IT for your small business.

Cloud technology is often a good fit for services such as E-Mail and companies that have a need for Remote, Mobile and Home Working, and can make it easier, more robust and ultimately cost effective to offer those benefits.

On-Premises is often a good fit for customers with complex internal systems that are business critical or where you have systems or services that aren't a natural fit for internet-connected cloud based operations.

Use both... Get the Best of it all...

VPW can even go further helping to address some of the most obvious risks with technology - by adopting our dual-technology approach. For example you could host your servers on-premises, but have a warm spare ready to go, constantly updated within our Cloud Platform so you're ready if disaster strikes. Or you can use our Cloud Technology but take options that give you the security of having a copy of your data on-premises just in case something happened to your cloud service.

Why VPW?

Unlike most companies, we don't insist you must use a particular technology just because it's all we can offer. As we provide our cloud technology rather than just refer or resell someone elses system, we can also do more with it, tailoring it more closely to your needs. So when cloud is the right choice, using VPW is a smart choice. Meanwhile when on-premises makes sense, we'll help you get it right too, so it doesn't matter what you want to do, or what makes sense, there's always a solution for you.

Want to know more?

Whatever you're looking to do, VPW can help you adopt the right technology for the business, helping you achieve more and enjoy better IT systems and support. To find out more, give our team a call on 01392 950 950, or contact us online.


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