Download User Guides

Download User Guides

Looking for a guide to using one of our services or a particular feature?

You can find many of our guides below (you'll need your Customer Portal login) - or you can alternatively contact our Support Team to obtain these guides.


Getting Started with Agility Mail (G109)

Our comprehensive guide to setting up your Agility Mail service, and how to use many of the most common features offered on Agility Mail. (You'll receive a copy of this when you first sign up!)

Configuring DNS if you use a third party for domains (G107)

How to setup your Outlook software, how the service works and other "getting started" information to make moving to Agility Mail easier.

Configuring IMAP with Windows Live Mail (G102)

If you're using Agility Mail with the Windows Live Mail client and want to use the IMAP features, this guide explains how to setup and get started. Silver/Gold subscribers are recommended to use Microsoft Outlook for the best experience and full feature set of Agility Mail.



Getting Started with Agility Desktop (G108)

Logging into the service, help using common features like printing, moving files from other devices, and troubleshoting the service should you get into trouble with it. You'll receive a copy of this guide when you first sign up to Agility Desktop.



Getting Started with Agility Desktop Web Files (G110)

Accesing Web Files, mapping drives and using your smartphone or tablet. You'll receive a copy of this guide when you first take Agility Desktop Web Files, or have Agility Desktop Pro which includes this service.



Getting Started with Agility Voice

Your guide to the basics of the Agility Voice service.

Handset Guide - Conferencing Phone

How to make conference calls and use the advanced boad room "Conferencing Phone"

Handset Guide - Entry Level Handsets

A guide to making the most of the entry level "occasional use" handsets available with Agility Voice

Handset Guide - Office Plus Handsets

How to setup and use the Office Plus handsets available with Agility Voice.

Handset Guide - Soft Phone Client

How to setup the recommended Soft Phone client for Agility Voice on your Laptop.


New Customer Guidance

Information on the service, how to get the most of it and tweak it to better identify junk

Redirection Trial User Instructions

How to setup and use the Redirection Trial Service



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