Knowledgebase & FAQs

Knowledgebase and FAQs

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HelpDesk & Support Services
Information and Guidance on how to reach our HelpDesk and how the service works

What does it mean if my support ticket is 'pending'?

When a support ticket is first submitted it will be sent to our systems - where an automated acknowledgement e-mail is sent out. However the ticket isn't yet being processed by our team as some tasks need to happen first, as follows:

- The ticket needs authorising

This is where we'll check that the person making the request is authorised to do so. What authorisation is needed can vary depending on the account you have with us.

Some accounts will require a PASSWORD (Personal and/or Organisation), while others may need (as well, or instead of a password) the person submitting the request to be on a list of known contacts for the account.

- The ticket needs action by our team

As our Support and HelpDesk Team are only available during certain hours (for standard customers this is 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday), tickets are also pending if your ticket reaches us outside our working hours.

Once we've completed our authorisation checks and a member of our team has started work, the ticket is no longer pending. You won't receive a further update immediately when this happens - unless there is a problem or we need more information to work on your case.

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