Agility Desktop vs Office 365

Why choose Agility Desktop instead of Office 365?

When you combine Agility Desktop with Agility Mail, you get a combination of features and functionality that Office 365 can't match, accompanied by more personal support and after-sales service. Unlike when you buy Office 365, you're not just a number. Plus, Agility Desktop is specifically tailored to help Small Businesses get more from IT systems and services.

Don't just believe us though, look at how we compare:

Agility Desktop vs Office 365
  Agility Desktop
with Office
Office 365
Cloud Based Fully Partial
User Count Unlimited 25 Users
Uses MS Office? Yes - other choices too Yes with Premium Only
- No Other Choice
Installation Needed No Yes
Anywhere Access Yes Some Features
Application Support
Fully Cloud Based Yes No - requires
local installation
Microsoft Word Yes Yes
Microsoft Excel Yes Yes
Microsoft Outlook Yes Yes
Microsoft Access Yes - with Pro Yes
Microsoft PowerPoint Yes Yes
Microsoft OneNote Yes Yes
Microsoft Publisher Yes Yes
Supports Quickbooks Optional Extra No
Supports Sage Line 50 Optional Extra No
Supports Sage Act 50 CRM Optional Extra No
Can support other specialist software
[ learn more ]
Yes - ask for
more information
Adobe Reader Yes No
Save/Print to PDF Yes - Any App Only Office Apps

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Agility Cloud Hosted Desktop